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Beauty at the barre: this workout gets her to the top of her class

Amanda Leong explains why Xtend Barre classes are the best
Flexible spines, strong legs and graceful physiques of ballet dancers make us swoon, and we’re not the only ones feeling the lure. In addition to the hours of dance rehearsals, it’s the warm up exercises done at the ballet barre that provide much of the foundation for developing the strong dancer body. So it's no surprise that more studios are offering barre classes in the U.S. and across the globe. We spotted beauty queen and Singapore Management University student Amanda Leong on Instagram (sporting ToeSox barre socks) at Upside Motion – one of the only studios in Singapore that offers Xtend Barre classes. She’s a new student to the workout and shared her experience at barre class on her blog. After six months at the barre, she notes:So I have been going for Xtend Barre at Upside Motion for about six months now and I truly enjoy the classes. I also love what Xtend Barre is doing for my body! My arms are toned, my glutes and legs are more sculpted, and most importantly, I look better in whatever I wear! Girls can always use a booty workout. In my opinion, strong looks better than skinny! And of course, working out is always great because a good cardio session wakes me up but yet relaxes me, and generally gives me more energy to last me throughout the day. What I like best about Xtend Barre? That it manages to squeeze cardio and whatever you can do at the gym into an intense one-hour long session! Like I was saying, these days I try to alternate Xtend Barre at Upside Motion and weights at the gym. I try my best to do two Xtend Barre classes a week, and then two sessions at the gym with free weights. I am definitely stronger and more flexible than I was six months ago and than I have ever been in my life. I am turning 23 this year, and if I want to look anything like Sandra Bullock at age 51, I think it’s about time I start taking good care of my health and body. Starting with Xtend Barre!Read about her full experience at