Healthy Cocktail Recipes

Contributed by Nastasha McKeon, Owner of Choice Juicery Did you know cold pressed juice is not just for cleansing? Cold pressed juice is a MUCH healthier alternative to those sugary mixers and sodas that you would otherwise be guzzling down with your liquor. Now we're all for having a good time, but not at the expense of our health! So whether you like a stiff cocktail or a yummy "mocktail" as you shake your booty through the night, we have a few recipes to put a healthy twist to your cocktail glass! CHOCOLATE SEXY-TINI COCKTAIL VERSION (MAKES 8 COCKTAILS)
  • 32 oz Choice chocolate almond milk
  • 12 oz Tequila (spring for a good bottle here)
  • 6 oz Damiana Liquor
  • 4 Tbs Maca
  • Ice

Mix the chocolate almond milk, tequila, damiana liquor and maca and stir until well blended. Pour over ice in a martini glass and garnish with strawberry slice. (Drinker beware: The Damiana, Cacao and maca in this are all aphrodisiacs).

  • 48 oz Choice chocolate almond milk
  • 48 drops Damiana herbal drops
  • 4 Tbs Maca
  • Ice

Mix the chocolate almond milk, damiana drops and maca and stir until well blended. Pour over ice in a martini glass and garnish with strawberry slice. (Drinker beware: It may be a "mocktail" but this drink still has Damiana, Cacao and maca in it, which are ALL aphrodisiacs).

  • 32oz Choice Hot Sunrise
  • 14oz Tito's vodka
  • Fresh strawberry slices to garish
  • Ice

Mix Hot Sunrise and vodka. Pour over ice in martini glass and garnish with strawberry slice.

  • 32oz Choice Hot Sunrise
  • 14oz Ginger Kombucha
  • Fresh strawberry slices to garish
  • Ice

Mix Hot Sunrise and Kombucha. Pour over ice in a martini glass and garnish with a fresh strawberry slice
