New Arrivals
Morning Ritual

"I've been starting my morning with a 7am Madabolic workout - then a green drink, oatmeal, lemon water and snuggle time with my dogs"Amy Ippoliti
"My morning ritual is not that spectacular - I get up and go right to the bathroom and do my business. Then depending on the day, I either go to the kitchen to make my green juice or take time to meditate and visualize the kind of day I want to have. If it’s a hot summer day, my preference is to get outside while it is still cool and either swim or ride the bike before the day begins and the emails start rolling in."Chelsey Magness, YogaSlackers
"I do what we now call "the daily" (it changes once a month), but this month it is: 10 min run, bike or dance, 5 sun salutations, 2 min plank, handstand or headstand, and 5 min meditation"Jason Magness, YogaSlackers
"My morning ritual varies, but what is consistent is the fact that I wake up next to my wife Chelsey everyday and ask - what do you want to do today? We both have a rule that we don't check email or our phones for the first hour of being awake - which helps us both do our own morning ritual - which consists of a little yoga, meditation and something aerobic outside"Courtney Miller
"There are 3 must haves in my daily morning routine: puppy cuddles, espresso time, and a little meditation in motion. Each morning I wake up and give hugs and kisses to my 2 Boxer babies, enjoy two shots of amazing espresso with almond milk, and either head down to the beach or my neighborhood trails for a 45 minute hike with my furry babes to set an intention for the day and give thanks for all my blessings."Sam Salwei and Raquel Hernandez-Cruz, YogaSlackers
"Being on the road limits our possibility for set schedules and rituals. The only constant with our days is brushing our teeth, kissing good morning and putting on our ToeSox sandals. The rest is, to a certain degree. unknown."Eric Orton
"I make my special 2 shot espresso and then spend 15 min visualizing my day, and then run."