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Can ToeSox Sandals help your feet?

What if the comfy fashion sandals you love were actually good for your feet – they help reduce the pain and even prevent it?
We have long known that our five toe sandals are great for improving overall foot health. Imagine how excited we were to see that a recent study by Evidence Based Fitness Academy (EBFA) supports this! The Evidence Based Fitness Academy is a continuing education institute that provides scientific and research-based curriculum for health and fitness professionals with a focus on foot fitness and barefoot training. These credible folks know about foot health and foot function! The clinical study used ToeSox sandals to answer the following hypothesis: Can Toe Spread Sandals Enhance Foot Function?The EBFA Research found that our sandals can improve foot function and decrease foot pain even for those with mild to moderate bunion pain.
Study Notes:- Eight subjects (7 women, 1 man) with mild to moderate bunion pain were recruited to wear ToeSox Five Toe Sandals for 2 hours every day for a total of three (3) months.
- All subjects’ feet were X-rayed in an AP view, weight bearing position and were evaluated for intermetatarsal angle, hallux abdjuction angle and sesamoid position. Each subject was X-rayed after 2 months and 3 months of wearing ToeSox Five Toe Sandals.
- Subjects completed a Foot Function Index Survey.
- At the end of the three (3) months all subjects reported much less foot pain and improved function. This improvement in foot function was also noted by improvements in all subjects’ Foot Function Index score with scores improving between 4% and 16%.
- No radiographic changes were noted at the 3 months; however the six (6) month follow-ups are still pending.