Style Watch: An Americana Spirit

Americana-style-toesox Being patriotic never goes out of style. All year we wave our flags high with our hands over our hearts and celebrate the country we love. America the beautiful! Yet, when Summer comes around, our allegiance seeps from our hearts and expresses itself in the clothes we wear. The season is tinted in red, white and blue from Memorial Day to Labor Day. As we drift into Summer and start planning for vacations, BBQs, beach days and bikinis, we can’t help but think of all things Americana. We think of Harley Davidson, hot rods, rock ‘n roll, bluegrass, and worn blue jeans, and it brings us home to the Heartland. It’s not just a state of mind, but a style we love. Take hold of your Americana spirit in the studio with these two looks we love wearing our limited edition Americana Collection grip socks:

Born in the USA

Pair the stud-adorned Freedom ToeSox with moto leggings (Carbon38), muscle tee and American flag bandana. Channel your inner rocker in barre class. Freedom-americana-style-toesox

Heart of Dixie

Pair Heartland ToeSox with white yoga shorts (Athleta), colorful sports bra and layer with a chambray shirt. It’s a sweet-as-pie look for hot yoga class. Heartland-americana-style-toesox